Nobody knows everything, and everybody's wrong about something! What's important is that we recognize our weaknesses and our misconceptions and endeavor to correct them. I won't pretend that I'm some sage-like-figure when it comes to Satanism: I can only speak for my own experiences and that's what I'm going to share with you now. Sometimes we tend to forget that everyone's path in Satanism is a little bit different. We read the Satanic Bible and see ourselves within the pages, but are we also imposing our understanding on other people as well? Here you'll find nine of the top misunderstandings that I've seen Satanists hold without reserve! What do you think? Are you guilty of any of these, or are you cleverer than the average Satanist? Misconception #9 Satanists need to know at least a little history about Satanism to consider themselves a Satanist--or at least be a serious Satanist. Heck, no! You don't need to know or research a thing regarding the history of Satanism. If it interests you and benefits you, by all means! However, your engrossing yourself in something which does neither isn't. It's true that learning the past can help you to recognize patterns that are coming at you in the present, and it's undeniable that it's smart to know history--but what knowledge you have has no bearing on your status as a Satanist. Misconception #8 If you don't agree with every single point in the Satanic Bible, you're not a Satanist While many will find that they do overwhelmingly agree in large part with what is said, if you find yourself agreeing and comfortable with every exact thing that was written exactly as it was written--well, who are you, anyway? Don't you have your own opinion about things? You don't have to be Anton LaVey Jr to be a Satanist. It's my opinion that you just need to agree with the core philosophy and perspective and live your life in such a way. Misconception #7 Satanists have altars. If you don't have an altar, and if it's not set up the way it should be (it's written in the Satanic Bible!) then you're doing the dogma thing wrong. Okay, so, yeah, SOME Satanists have altars, but other Satanists don't need to have one, and that's totally okay. The religion is about worshipping and celebrating yourself, and there are tons of different ways to do that. You do you, my people. Celebrate yourself in whatever safe and lawful manner works best! The altar serves as nothing more than a tool for you, and it's little more than a recommendation. Remember: the Satanic Bible is not an instruction manual, it's a manifesto. Misconception #6 A Satanist takes special care to gratify themselves specifically in the 7 Sins of the Holy Bible since Christianity is antithetical to Satanism and we are adversarial to such religious perspectives. I mean, sure: it is convenient as heck to take a piece of fantasy and use it as an example for the best way to live an enjoyable life, but it's not the only thing out there that can give you gratification. Satanists enjoy life in all sorts of ways and there's no need to restrict yourself to anti-christianity. Christianity just happened to strike it rich when it described all things holy which were not of mankind. If you look at it this way, you're actually agreeing with their observations that the 7 Sins are to mankind what the 7 Virtues are to divinity--but that's just one opinion. Go find your own. Misconception #5 The very point of Satanism is being adversarial to things. Going along with the crowd is distinctly unbecoming of a Satanist and should be avoided at all costs to avoid herd conformity. Does this mean that if the fire alarms go off that you're not going to hasten to the exit with your peers? The point of Satanism is not to instill in mankind the motivation to run against the grain. Rather, it's a commentary that we find ourselves in that role naturally. It is an observation, not a call to action. Many of our tenets contradict those found in other religions and that alone enables us to find ourselves in the adversarial role. We don't need to actively pursue it. Misconception #4 We're all in the Anti-Christian Club. Literally, Christianity is the ENEMY of Satanism (and LaVey said Buddhism was as well!) so THEREFORE it's totally okay to hate on Christians, Catholics, Jews, Moslims, Buddhists, and you know, religions like that, because they're our enemies. No, you pugnacious bratt. Satanism does not give you a permission slip to be a prejudiced asshole. Just because the founder of our faith held a deep ire for such religions does not mean you get to hop on a bandwagon. If you want to despise someone, make up your own reason for it. Satanism advertises meritocracy and self-direction, not herd conformity, even in deciding who to hate. Reserve your hate for your own enemies, not anyone else's. Misconception #3 You don't have to be a registered member of the Church of Satan or The Satanic Temple, but you need to be aware of them and generally pick a side in the feud You don't have to know about anybody but yourself. You are what matters. Your religion revolves around you. Don't be afraid to disassociate with Satanic groups and walk your own path. You make who you are, not political cliques half a world away who don't even know your name. Misconception #2 It's in our tenets to not bother others with our troubles, and doing so airs the dirty laundry that we have a weakness which should never be done. While it's fine and dandy to comfort others if it brings us happiness to do so, we should generally keep our problems to ourselves. Actually, that's not what it says. It says not to burden others who don't want to hear your troubles. I don't know about you, but if my best friend were having a hard time I'd want to know about it so I could have a shot of cheering him up since his happiness is my happiness. It's important to share our troubles because others with fresh perspectives can help us work through them. There is a difference between indulgence and compulsion, and there is a huge difference between leaning on someone for a short while and sucking their energy from their body as a psychic vampire. Talk about your issues. Do it to the people who want to help, and listen to what they have to say so you can move past it all the faster. Misconception #1 As a Satanist you are responsible for correcting misconceptions about the religion whenever you hear them, no matter who has the misconception, what the misconception is, and if they ask you if you're a Satanist, you should tell them You are under no obligation to say a single word, and in most cases in the real world you probably shouldn't. You have no duty to the religion to try to change how others see it, and you have no duty to yourself to out yourself as a Satanist. Should you choose to defend your religion though, you should take care to only say what you know without a doubt to be true. Remember the difference between personal experience and blanket statements (Your experience may be different from others!) and always above everything else, remember that your safety (physical, mental, future...) is the most important in all situations, not your sense of righteousness or pride. How did you do? Did you guess any of the misconceptions ahead of time? Are you guilty of any of them? Share your thoughts with me! What's next?
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Who is the Witch?
Once I called myself a Christian, then an atheist, and a Satanist. At the end of the day, I'm just a person who is living her truth one day at a time. I'm interested in religion, its effects on the mind, the occult, and more. Learn more about me on the about page. Hellish History
November 2021