Undoubtedly you are familiar with the elements of the Satanic Ritual, and I may have said on more than one occasion explained that I find them therapeutic, not supernatural, so I’ll refrain from saying so again, but it doesn’t mean that the elements that I choose to perform my ritual aren’t chosen with precision and care. The tools I use are selected for an exact purpose, and if something isn’t right with one of them it drives a wedge into the process and for me at least: will impair me in trying to achieve my goal. Ritual props are important. Let’s talk about Ritual props and just how important they are, and I’ll tell you about why I decided to make my own Book of Brimstone from scratch with these two hands of my own.
Tarot is not a tool that is associated frequently with Satanism. So, with a show of hands, how many people expected this from me? “This” being: a post about how you can use a tool usually wrapped in superstition and supernatural magic in your pragmatic atheistic practices which have absolutely no room for superstition and supernatural magic? Higher please, I’d like to count them; one…two…three… Okay, let me back up a little bit then. Tarot feels like something special. In its natural element it’s nothing more than a game of cards. There’s a deck, the deck has pictures on it, and we know how the game works—someone has you do something to the deck and then they spread it out before you in a pattern that makes some sort and rhyme and reason to them. You watch as they flip the cards over one by one and hem and haw about what it means to them. “Ah,” they’re sure to say in a grave tone at one point, “That’s not good.” [...]
Who is the Witch?
Once I called myself a Christian, then an atheist, and a Satanist. At the end of the day, I'm just a person who is living her truth one day at a time. I'm interested in religion, its effects on the mind, the occult, and more. Learn more about me on the about page. Hellish History
November 2021